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Showing posts from September, 2018

The Waiting Game - Preparing for Labor, Things to Watch out For

Dear Flicker, Today we are at 37 weeks and 5 days. We've been experiencing intermittent contractions but nothing that would signal an immediate trip to the hospital. Tuesday, September 25th, Dra. Aguinaldo (our OB-Gyne) checked and confirmed we've started dilating. But was only at 1-2cm. Too far yet. And there's no way of telling if Baby K is going to be out within the day. Or next week. So I was sent home with a couple of instructions. To summarize, I am to wait for contractions to be intense (the doctor reminded me of its intensity which was probably on the scale 6 and 10 being the most painful), about a minute long and 4 to 5 minutes apart . The night of Sep 25th I had that pain. But they were too far apart. The doctor also told me if I can still sleep comfortably for 2 hours straight, then it's not yet time to go. The following day, the contractions became further apart. It kind of burst my excitement bubble and left me feeling low the entire day. (note to s

Photoshoot and A Shower To Boot

Dear Flicker, Last weekend, you turned 35 weeks old inside my belly. You are growing bigger and bigger everyday. Like one inch bigger every week and seeing my belly swell like this makes us all the more so excited for arrival.  A lot of our friends know how long we waited for you. They have been so generous in sharing their joy when they learned we are pregnant with you. Oh, you're still in my belly but a lot  of people love you already! They all can't wait to meet you! Proof was how they stealthily planned a baby shower/maternity photoshoot surprise for us last weekend.    Daddy told me he was driving us to Nuvali for an outdoor shoot (I've been requesting for this for the longest time. And I thought, well at least he's giving in, just 2 weeks away from you reaching full term). But before heading to Nuvali, we had to make a few stops. Exactly 11am, we headed to the 2nd stop which was Evia Lifestyle Center.  I normally am good at catching these types